Fear - Trigger

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Qualification : (Peer Support Specialist)

Category : RWS Event 7 / R2R Event 2

  • 07th

    Sep, 2018
    20:25 PM
    Fear - Trigger

    Posted by : Gayathri / Posted in : RWS Event 7 / R2R Event 2

    What triggers your fear?

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Fear - Trigger

  • Bernard Prasobhan 19 Dec, 2018

      Getting a job and facing it, mixing with friends


  • Aliciang 12 Sep, 2018

      uncertainty, people talking bad about me and making mistakes when I have tried my very best


  • Kunal Shahdadpuri 11 Sep, 2018

      Going to unknown places and events which I am not sure and don't know how the people over there will be like and behave and judge me in this current situation. OK when I am anxious such as getting late or am lost in the road or something and don't know what to do.


  • Nicholas Wong 11 Sep, 2018

      Situation that reminds me of my past panic experiences, or increases my anxiety level till I feel I cannot contain the anxiety, as well as health concern can trigger my fear emotion.


  • RJ 11 Sep, 2018

      Used to be study stresses, doing well enough to uplift myself from my poor family background, worrying if I can be gainfully employed if I do not have a tertiary qualifications, worry about family finances, worry about job security, worry about study debts..


  • Jennie 11 Sep, 2018

      When I feel anxious about washing my hair myself .


  • Jacqueline 10 Sep, 2018

      Mainly heights, darkness (night terrors), receiving calls from family members who are toxic; to lesser extent watching horror movies, close encounters with creepy crawlies.


  • Pudding 10 Sep, 2018

      -Group projects, being unable to find a partner, being marked down for group projects -Fear of making mistakes at work -fear of piano exams and exams and tests -fear of people who trigger my illnesses -fear of ex-friends -fear of lifts, overhead bridges -paranoid about people


  • Veronicawong 09 Sep, 2018

      What triggers your fear? : - people calling my names all the time -people keep watching or following me - lots of voices keep going inside my brain when I'm in the crowded


  • Tiffany 08 Sep, 2018

      when i see or hear something that has frightened or made me upset before


  • Healing Maiden 08 Sep, 2018

      When I sense that people try to harm or persecute me


  • Alvin 08 Sep, 2018

      I think, uncertainty, not knowing or seeing light at the end of the tunnel, would triggers fear. Helplessness also triggers fear. Not in control of situations also trigger fears.


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